Number |
County |
Name |
Owner |
Verif |
Description |
KY-22-01 |
Carter |
Garden Path |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 24.864 W82 54.309 |
S. of Oldtown. KY1 S. (curves W.) 2.2 miles from jct with Laurel Rd. in Oldtown to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 16038. |
KY-22-02 |
Braced Star |
Weaver Family |
07-2016 |
N38 22.491 W82 56.068 |
N. of Grayson. KY1 N. 2.1 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1230. |
KY-22-03 |
Home Cooking |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 20.980 W82 56.541 |
N. of Grayson. KY1 N. 0.35 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1094. |
KY-22-04 |
Century of Progress |
County Courthouse |
07-2016 |
N38 19.999 W82 57.088 |
In Grayson. On the W. side of Court St. ½ block N. of US60 (Main St.). |
KY-22-05 |
Courthouse Steps |
County Courthouse |
07-2016 |
N38 20.001 W82 57.119 |
In Grayson. On the N. side of US60 (Main St.) ¾ block W. of Court St. |
KY-22-06 |
Untitled |
McGinnis Family |
07-2016 |
N38 24.328 W83 02.201 |
NW of Grayson. KY7/9 N. 0.4 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, NW on KY9 6.5 miles, W. on KY7 0.4 miles, S. on Clear View Dr. 100 yds to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 57. |
KY-22-07 |
Untitled |
F Lewis Furniture |
07-2016 |
N38 25.807 W83 07.404 |
In Carter. At the SE corner of KY2 & KY2. |
KY-22-08 |
Untitled |
F Lewis Furniture |
07-2016 |
N38 25.810 W83 07.414 |
Same as KY-22-07. |
KY-22-09 |
Untitled |
Layne Christensen |
07-2016 |
N38 24.463 W83 02.427 |
NW of Grayson. KY7/9 N. 0.4 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, NW on KY9 6.5 miles, W. on KY7 0.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 8506. |
KY-22-10 |
Churn Dash |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 23.579 W82 56.187 |
N. of Grayson. KY7 N. 1.25 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, continue N. on KY1 2.1 miles, W. on Scott Br. 0.2 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 171. |
KY-22-11 |
Double Wedding Ring |
Faye Burnett |
07-2016 |
N38 21.749 W82 57.317 |
N. of Grayson. KY1/7 N. 0.45 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, W. on KY9 1.1 miles, N. on KY1959 0.3 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road. |
KY-22-12 |
Grandmothers Flower Garden |
Sara Jo Adams |
07-2016 |
N38 26.355 W83 04.789 |
NW of Grayson. KY1/7 N. 0.45 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, NW (curves N.) on KY9 9.4 miles, W. on Rock Spring Rd. 1.2 miles, N. on KY2 0.4 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 13808. |
KY-22-13 |
Chicken |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 27.261 W83 04.110 |
NW of Grayson. KY1/7 N. 0.45 miles from jct with I64 exit 172 in Grayson, NW (curves N.) on KY9 10.8 miles, W. (curves N.) 0.1 miles to the quilt at 195. |
KY-22-14 |
Grandmothers Flower Garden |
Sara Jo Adams |
07-2016 |
N38 26.372 W83 04.795 |
Same as KY-22-12. |
KY-22-15 |
Addie's Pride |
Dillon Family |
07-2016 |
N38 25.355 W83 08.337 |
N. of Olive Hill. KY2 N. 8.6 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 11541. |
KY-22-16 |
Log Cabin |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 23.992 W83 09.048 |
N. of Olive Hill. KY2 N. 6.7 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill, E. on KY182 (Carter Caves Rd.) 0.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6717. |
KY-22-17 |
Nine Patch Star Variation |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 23.794 W83 08.748 |
N. of Olive Hill. KY2 N. 6.7 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill, E. on KY182 (Carter Caves Rd.) 1.05 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 6356. |
KY-22-18 |
Delectable Mountain |
Dolly Parker |
07-2016 |
N38 23.115 W83 10.571 |
N. of Olive Hill. KY2 N. 5.0 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 8360. |
KY-22-19 |
Grandmothers Fan |
Michael & Cora Sutton |
07-2016 |
N38 21.889 W83 11.794 |
In Olive Hill. N. of Olive Hill, Carter County, KY. KY2 N. 3.0 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 5385. |
KY-22-20 |
Grandmothers Fan |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 19.698 W83 13.523 |
NW of Olive Hill. KY2 N. 0.1 miles from jct with I64 exit 156 NW of Olive Hill, W. on KY59 0.95 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 974. |
KY-22-21 |
Bear Paw |
Carroll Farm |
07-2016 |
N38 17.407 W83 11.367 |
W. of Olive Hill. KY174 (Lawton Rd.) S. 0.15 miles from jct with US60 just W. of Olive Hill to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 240. |
KY-22-22 |
Untitled |
Olive Hill Depot |
07-2016 |
N38 18.002 W83 10.518 |
In Olive Hill. Cross St. S. 250' from jct with US60, W. on Railroad St. 100 yds to the quilt on the S. side of the road. |
KY-22-23 |
Grandmothers Favorite |
Don & Loretta Garvin |
07-2016 |
N38 19.602 W83 09.612 |
NE of Olive Hill. Carter Dr. (KY1025) N. 1.6 miles from jct with US60 on the E. side of Olive Hill to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1713. |
KY-22-24 |
Schoolhouse |
Iam's Sweetwater Farm |
07-2016 |
N38 21.398 W83 05.920 |
NE of Olive Hill. US60 N. (curves E.) 1.5 miles from jct with I64 exit 161 NE of Olive Hill, N. on KY182 (Carter Caves Rd.) 1.3 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 22429. |
KY-22-25 |
Crazy Quilt |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 21.643 W83 06.011 |
NE of Olive Hill. US60 N. (curves E.) 1.5 miles from jct with I64 exit 161 NE of Olive Hill, N. on KY182 (Carter Caves Rd.) 1.6 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1631. |
KY-22-26 |
Schoolhouse |
Johnson Family |
07-2016 |
N38 20.469 W83 06.183 |
NE of Olive Hill. US60 N. (curves E.) 1.5 miles from jct with I64 exit 161 NE of Olive Hill, N. on KY182 (Carter Caves Rd.) 0.2 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 124. |
KY-22-27 |
Clay's Choice |
Grain School Community Center |
07-2016 |
N38 17.049 W83 04.522 |
In Grain. Aden Rd. E. 250' from jct with KY182 (Grahn Rd.) to the quilt on the N. side of the road. |
KY-22-28 |
All American Star |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 19.633 W83 01.244 |
W. of Grayson. US60 W. 4.25 miles from jct with KY1/7 in Grayson to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 4222. |
KY-22-29 |
Seven Sisters |
Buck Farm |
07-2016 |
N38 17.568 W82 58.193 |
S. of Grayson. KY7 S. 3.1 miles from jct with US60 in Grayson to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2955. |
KY-22-30 |
Starburst |
John & Heather Wages |
07-2016 |
N38 16.462 W82 56.582 |
W. of Hitchins. KY773 W. 0.9 miles from jct with KY1 in Hitchins, S. (curves W.) on KY1444 1.0 miles, S. on Ridgetop Dr. 100 yds to the quilt on the W. side of the road. |
KY-22-31 |
Mountain Variation |
Burton Farm |
07-2016 |
N38 20.088 W82 52.601 |
E. of Grayson. US60 E. 3.8 miles from jct with KY7 in Grayson, S. on Lark Hill Rd. 0.4 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road. |
KY-22-32 |
Seven Star |
Unknown |
07-2016 |
N38 21.822 W82 56.807 |
N. of Grayson. KY1/7 N. 1.25 miles from jct with I64 exit 172, W. on KY7 0.65 miles, E. (sharp right) & curves N. on Falls Branch Rd. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 138. |